Friday, June 8, 2007

Challenge yourself

Here is a sample of a cybercrop challenge i participated in last night. We had 3 challenges, a scrapbook page and 2 cards.

It is always a bit scary when you do anything in life that is out of your comfort zone, but the feeling of satisfaction you get when you look and see what you have accomplished is worth the effort.

I challenge you today go ahead and try a new craft or go and get a new hair cut ( it can always grow back if you don't like it ) just step out of your comfort zone you may be amazed at how good it feels and how much you can accomplish.

I would love to hear about your ventures of a new challenge where you have stepped out of your comfort zone.


Kirsti said...

Hi Kate,

Love this card. its beautiful.

Wow not sure if i am ready for to step out yet.

Look forward to seeing you next project.

Love Kirsti

Unknown said...

Wow -that card is STUNNING!!! I just love it. Thanks for sharing!